Daviesia leptophylla
Slender Bitter-pea
(syn. D. virgata)
Other Names:
Name Origin:
Daviesia — after botanist the Rev. Hugh Davies (1739-1821).
Regional Subspecies:
Similar Species:
Slender Bitter-pea has narrower ‘leaves’ and flowers slightly later than Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea (D. mimosoides).
Quite widespread in most catchments and districts. Less common in the drier areas to the west.
NSW, Vic, SA.
Shrubland to dry sclerophyll forest, dry open sites, usually on skeletal soils.
Broom-like erect shrub to 2 m high, upper branches often ‘leafless’, with dull yellow-green linear ‘leaves’ to 6.5 cm long.
Site Preference:
Well-drained soils. Tolerates frost.
Yellow and red-brown/orange, Oct-Dec.
Seed Collection:
Early Dec to late Jan. Monitor very closely as seeds released immediately or within 1-2 days of maturity. To ensure collection, cover fruiting branches with nylon stockings or paper bags after flowering. Ripe pods light-brown and brittle and rattle when shaken, with dark-coloured seed. May be difficult to obtain seed in useful quantities. Long storage life.
From scarified seed. Soak in near-boiling water for about 30 seconds, before cooling rapidly under flowing cold water. Alternatively soak in cold water for several hours. Dry to prevent rotting, before sowing. Germination takes 3-8 weeks. Suitable for direct seeding in pots (2-3 seeds per pot).
From seed or suckers, particularly after fire.
Shade & Shelter:
Useful low-level cover in windbreaks.
Land Protection:
Useful understorey in recharge plantings. Legume — improves soil fertility through ‘fixing’ nitrogen.
Good habitat. Flowers are a pollen and excellent nectar source for various native insects and birds.
Very decorative. Interesting foliage and attractive perfumed flowers. Plant in clumps to form dense thickets for best effect. Pruning encourages dense growth.