Arthropodium minus
Small Vanilla Lily
Other Names:
Regional Subspecies:
Widespread through most areas in region.
Habitat & Site Selection:
Various habitats, including open grasslands and woodlands, in well-drained to seasonally inundated sites. Prefers protected position in moist, well-drained soil and semi-shade. Tolerates drought, wet winter and dry summer soil. Resents permanently poor drainage.
Slender upright perennial herb or lily to about 30 cm high, often forming tussock of blue-green grass-like leaves. Underground tubers. Nodding, rich- purple, sweetly scented flowers, Aug-Dec, opening in succession along stems. Dies down to tubers in summer and re-shoots in autumn.
Seed Collection:
Late Nov to early Feb. Monitor closely as seeds released 3-14 days after maturity.
From seed or division. Seeds germinate readily within 4-8 weeks after 2-3 month dormancy. Try germinating at cooler temperatures such as 16°C. Can be direct seeded into pots.
Good habitat. Seeds seem to be dispersed by ants locally, and by birds over longer distances.
First Nations:
Tubers probably eaten. Can be eaten raw or roasted throughout year.
Attractive for containers, rockeries, grasslands and under trees. Plant in groups for best effect. Apply small quantities of native plant fertiliser to encourage growth. Extend flowering by removing stems before seedheads form.