For guidance on planning your revegetation or restoration site (size, shape, species, density of planting) refer to chapters four and five of this site.

Remember: good quality vegetation sites may not need revegetation at all. Appropriate management can encourage natural regeneration.

General Native Vegetation Profile:

Sandy-Wantiool Creek

River, Creeklines and Low country Low hills and mid slopes
LANDFORM River, Creeklines and Low country
VEGETATION TYPE River Red Gum Forest
GEOLOGY & SOILS Riverine deposits of clay, silt, sand & gravel. Brown & Grey Alluvial Soils
LOCATION EXAMPLE Sandy Beach Wantabadgery
TREES >8M Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle
Brachychiton populneus Kurrajong
Casuarina cunninghamiana River She Oak
Eucalyptus camaldulensis River Red Gum
E. melliodora Yellow Box
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Callistemon sieberi River Bottlebrush
Eremophila deserti Turkey Bush
GROUND COVERS Geranium solanderi Australian Cranesbill
Lomandra spp. Mat Rushes
Wahlenbergia stricta Tall Bluebell


LANDFORM Low hills and mid slopes
VEGETATION TYPE Yellow & White Box Woodland
GEOLOGY & SOILS Granite, shale, quartzite & siltstone
Red Earth & Red Podsolic Soils
LOCATION EXAMPLE Wantabadgery, Eringowarah & Wantiool
TREES >8M Acacia implexa Hickory Wattle
Allocasuarina luehmannii Bulloak
Brachychiton populneus Kurrajong
Callitris glaucophylla White Cypress Pine
Eucalyptus albens White Box
E. blakelyi Blakley’s Red Gum
E. bridgesiana Apple Box
E. melliodora Yellow Box
E. microcarpa Grey Box
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia buxifolia Box-leaf Wattle
A. dealbata Silver Wattle
A. deanei Dean’s Wattle
A. decora Western Golden Wattle
A. genistifolia Spreading Wattle
A. paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn
A. pycnantha Golden Wattle
Eutaxia microphylla Mallee Bush Pea
GROUND COVERS Rytidosperma spp. Wallaby Grasses
Austrostypa spp. Spear Grasses
Bothriochloa macra Red-leg Grass
Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily
Chloris truncata Windmill Grass
Dianella porracea Smooth Flax-lily
Microseris lanceolata Yam Daisy
Poa spp. Tussock Grasses
Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass