Atriplex vesicaria
Bladder Saltbush
Other Names:
Regional Subspecies:
Atriplex vesicaria subsp. macrocystidea, A. v. subsp. minor, A. v. subsp. sphaerocarpa, A. v. subsp. vesicaria (all subspecies difficult to assign)
Habitat & Site Selection:
In a variety of communities on alluvial plains, rocky hills and ridges, foot-slopes, gibber plains and sandplains. Heavy alluvial soils in full to partial sun.
Erect or decumbent perennial shrub. Has brittle woody stems and can grow to 70cm in height and diameter. Leaves grey-green and flowers opportunistically with pale brown flower heads, (Sep-Feb).
Seed Collection:
Drought and frost resistant. Regenerates from seed about every 5 years during wet periods. From seed and cuttings. Soak fruits in water for an hour to remove salt before sowing fruits, or remove seeds from fruits and sow directly. Sow 2-3 seeds per pot. Expect germination in 2-4 weeks. Attractive foliage. A good fodder plant in times of drought.