For guidance on planning your revegetation or restoration site (size, shape, species, density of planting) refer to chapters four and five of this site.

Remember: good quality vegetation sites may not need revegetation at all. Appropriate management can encourage natural regeneration.

General Native Vegetation Profile:

Lake Coolah

River, Creeklines and Low Country Low Rises Rocky High Point
LANDFORM River, Creeklines and Low country
GEOLOGY & SOILS Medium to heavy Grey Clays overlain by clay loams and loams
LOCATION EXAMPLE Frying Pan Creek and Lake Coolah
TREES >8M Acacia oswaldii Miljee
A. pendula Boree
A. salicina Kooba
A. stenophylla River Kooba
A. pendula Boree
Allocasuarina luehmanni Belah
Brachychiton populneus subsp. populneus Kurrajong
Casuarina cristata Belah
Eucalyptus camaldulensis River Red Gum
E. largiflorens Black Box
E. melliodora Yellow Box
E. microcarpa Grey Box
E. populnea Bimble Box
Hakea tephrosperms Hooked Needlewood
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia  homalyphylla Yarran
A. deanii Dean’s Wattle
Atriplex pseudocampanulata Mealy Saltbush
A. semibaccata Creeping Saltbush
A. suberecta Lagoon Saltbush
Exocarpus aphyllus Leafless Ballart
Hakea tephrosperma Hooked Needlewood
Rhagodia spinescens Spiny Saltbush
GROUND COVERS Aristida behriana Brush Wiregrass
A. jerichoensis subsp. jerichoensis Jericho Wiregrass
Austrostipa aristiglumis Plains Grass
A. bigeniculata Yanganbil
A. scabra Rough Speargrass
Brachycombe lineariloba Hard-headed Daisy
Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily
Cheilanthes seiberi Mulga Fern
Chenopodium nitrariaceum Nitre Goosefoot
Convolvulus erubescens Australian bindweed
Einadia nutans subsp. nutans Climbing Saltbush
Anthrosachne scaber subsp. scaber Common Wheat Grass
Enchyaelena tomentosa Ruby Saltbush
Juncus aridicola  Tussock Rush
J. usitatus Common rush
Leptochloa digitata  Umbrella Canegrass
Maireana aphylla Cottonbush
Marselia drummondi Common Nardoo
Duma florulenta Lignum
Rytidosperma caespitosa White-top
Sida corrugata Corrugated Sida
Xerochrysum viscosum Sticjky Everlasting


VEGETATION TYPE White Cypress Pine/Grey Box Woodland
GEOLOGY & SOILS Cocoparra Group sediments. Red Earths Plains and sandplains of Calcareous earths-loam to clay loam
TREES >8M Acacia doratoxlyn Currawang
A. salicina Kooba
Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak
Brachychition populneus Kurrajong
Callitris glaucophylla White Cypress
Casurina cristata Belah
Eucalyptus camaldulensis River Red Gum
E. melliodora Yellow Box
E. microcarpa Grey Box
Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia deanii Dean’s Wattle
A. hakeoides Western Golden Wattle
A. homalophylla Yarran
A. oswaldi Miljee
Cassinia laevis Cough Bush
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata Wedge-leaf Hopbush
Geijera parviflora Wilga
Hakea tephrosperma Hooked Needlewood
Senna artemisoides Desert Cassia
S. artemisoides subsp. filifolia Punty Bush
GROUND COVERS Aristida behriana  Brush Wiregrass
A. semibaccata Creeping Saltbush
Rytidosperma caespitosa White-top
Austrostipa scabra Rough Speargrass
Calotis cuniefolia Purple Burr Daisy
C. scapigera Rough Burr Daisy
Chenopodium desertorium Mallee Goosefoot
Einadia nutans  Climbing Saltbush
Lomandra filiformis  Wattle Matt Rush
Mairana microphylla Cotton Bush
Pimelea curviflora Curved Rice flower
Rytidosperma spp. Wallaby Grass
Stackhousia monogyna Creamy Candles 
Swainsona murrayana  Slender Darling Pea
Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass
Wahlenbergia communis Tufted Bluebell


LANDFORM Rocky High Point
VEGETATION TYPE Rocky hill woodlands
GEOLOGY & SOILS Conglomerate, sandstone and quarzites, Red and yellow podsolic soils
LOCATION EXAMPLE Red Hill, Jerry’s Hill
TREES >8M Acacia doratoxlyn Currawang
Allocasuarina leuhmanii Biulloak
A. vericillata Drooping She Oak
Eucalyptus dwyerii Dwyer’s Mallee Gum
E. melliodora Yellow Box
E. microcarpa Grey Box
E. populnea Bimble Box
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia decora Western Silver Wattle
A. doratoxlyn Currawang
A. hakeoides Western Golden Wattle
A. paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn
Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe Myrtle
Dodonaea boronifolia Fern leaf Hopbush
D. cuneata Cut leaf Hopbush
Hakea tephrosperma Hooked Needlewood
Hibbertia obtusifolia Hoary Guinea Flower
Myoporum montanum Western Boobialla
Platysace lanceolata Shrubby Platysace
GROUND COVERS Cheilanthes seiberi Mulga Fern
Dianella revoluta  Spreading Flax Lily
Heliochrysum semipapposum Clustered Everlasting
Lomandra multiflora Many flowered Matrush
Myoporum montanum Western Boobialla
Rytodisperma setaceum Small flowered Wallaby Grass
Stypandra glauca Nodding Blue Lily
Xerochrysum viscosum Sticky Everlasting