For guidance on planning your revegetation or restoration site (size, shape, species, density of planting) refer to chapters four and five of this site.

Remember: good quality vegetation sites may not need revegetation at all. Appropriate management can encourage natural regeneration.

General Native Vegetation Profile:

Burkes & Graveyard

LANDFORM Creeklines and flats
VEGETATION TYPE Blakely’s Red Gum & Yellow Box woodland
Red podzolic (duplex) soils.
TREES >8M Eucalyptus blakelyi Blakely’s Red Gum
E. bridgesiana Apple Box
+ E. camaldulensis River Red Gum
E. melliodora Yellow Box
E. polyanthemos Red Box
+ creeklines
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia decora Western Silver Wattle
A. paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn
#+ Callistemon sieberi River Bottlebrush
# Myoporum deserti Turkey-bush

+ creeklines

# not noted in area but suggested for re-planting

GROUND COVERS + Carex appressa Tall Sedge
#+ Juncus spp. Rush
#+ Phragmites australis Common Reed
#+ Typha spp. Cumbungi

+ creeks / drainage lines

# not noted in area but suggested for re-planting


LANDFORM Upper slopes & rocky ridgelines
VEGETATION TYPE Mixed woodland
GEOLOGY & SOILS Quartzite, slate, phyllite, greywacke, hornfels & schist. Lithosols (siliceous loams) & red podzolic (duplex) soils.
LOCATION EXAMPLE Livingstone State Forest
TREES >8M Acacia doratoxylon Currawang
A. implexa Hickory Wattle/Lightwood
Callitris endlicheri Black Cypress Pine
Eucalyptus albens White Box
E. blakelyi Blakely’s Red Gum
E. goniocalyx Long-leaf Box
E. macrorhyncha Red Stringybark
E. polyanthemos Red Box
E. sideroxylon Red/Mugga Ironbark
Exocarpos cupressiformis Native Cherry
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia buxifolia Box-leaf Wattle
A. genistifolia Spreading / Early Wattle
A. gunnii Ploughshare Wattle
A. paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn
Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa Hairy Bursaria
Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe-myrtle
Correa reflexa Common Correa
Daviesia latifolia Hop Bitter-pea
D. leptophylla Slender Bitter-pea
Dillwynia juniperina Prickly Parrot-pea
D. phylicoides species complex
Small-leaf Parrot-pea
Grevillea floribunda  Seven Dwarfs
G. lanigera Woolly Grevillea
Indigofera australis  Austral Indigo
Leptospermum multicaule Silver Tea-tree
Persoonia rigida  Hairy Geebung
Pultenaea foliolosa  Bush-pea
GROUND COVERS Brachyloma daphnoides Daphne Heath
Xerochrysum viscosum Sticky Everlasting
Brunonia australis Blue Pincushion
Cheiranthera linearis Finger Flower
Chrysocephalum semipapposum Clustered Everlasting
Rytidosperma spp. Wallaby Grass
Dillwynia sericea  Showy Parrot-pea
Hardenbergia violacea Purple Coral Pea
Hibbertia obtusifolia Grey Guinea-flower
Hovea heterophylla Common Hovea
Isotoma axillaris Rock Isotome
Leucopogon spp. Beard Heath
Lomandra spp. Mat-rush
Melichrus urceolatus Urn Heath
Pimelea linifolia Rice-flower
Stackhousia monogyna Creamy Candles
Stypandra glauca Nodding Blue-lily