For guidance on planning your revegetation or restoration site (size, shape, species, density of planting) refer to chapters four and five of this site.

Remember: good quality vegetation sites may not need revegetation at all. Appropriate management can encourage natural regeneration.

General Native Vegetation Profile:

Lower O’Briens & Tywong

Creeklines and flats Rising country
LANDFORM Creeklines and flats
VEGETATION TYPE Blakely’s Red Gum & Yellow Box woodland
GEOLOGY & SOILS Riverine deposits of sand, silt, clay and gravel (alluvium) Yellow solonetzic (mottled-yellow duplex)
TREES >8M Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle
Eucalyptus blakelyi Blakely’s Red Gum
E. bridgesiana Apple Box
+ E. camaldulensis River Red Gum
E. melliodora Yellow Box
E. microcarpa Grey Box
E. polyanthemos Red Box
+ creeklines
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia decora Western Silver Wattle
+ Leptospermum continentale Prickly Tea-tree

+ damp, poorly drained sites

GROUND COVERS + Carex spp. Sedge
Rytidosperma spp. Wallaby Grass
+ Phragmites australis Common Reed
Poa spp. Tussock Grass
+ Typha spp. Cumbungi

+ creeklines/drainage lines


LANDFORM Rising country
VEGETATION TYPE Red Box woodland
GEOLOGY & SOILS Granite. Quartzite, slate, phyllite, greywacke, hornfels & schist. Yellow solonetzic (mottled duplex), red podzolic (duplex) & lithosols (siliceous sands).
TREES >8M Acacia dealbata Silver wattle
A. implexa Hickory Wattle/Lightwood
Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak
Callitris endlicheri Black Cypress Pine
C. glaucophylla White Cypress Pine
* Eucalyptus albens White Box
E. blakelyi Blakely’s Red Gum
* E. macrorhyncha Red Stringybark
E. polyanthemos Red Box
E. sideroxylon Mugga/Red Ironbark
* upper slopes
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m Acacia decora Western Silver Wattle
A. genistifolia Spreading/Early Wattle
A. montana Mallee Wattle
A. pycnantha Golden Wattle
# Indigofera australis Austral Indigo
# Pultenaea foliolosa Bush-pea

# not noted in area but suggested for re-planting

GROUND COVERS Rytidosperma spp. Wallaby Grass
# Hibbertia obtusifolia Grey Guinea-flower
# Lissanthe strigosa Peach Heath
# Pimelea linifolia Rice-flower
Poa spp. Tussock Grass

# not noted in area but suggested for re-planting