For guidance on planning your revegetation or restoration site (size, shape, species, density of planting) refer to chapters four and five of this site.

Remember: good quality vegetation sites may not need revegetation at all. Appropriate management can encourage natural regeneration.

General Native Vegetation Profile:

Lunts Sugarloaf

Flats and lower slopes Hills
LANDFORM Flats and lower slopes
VEGETATION TYPE Blakely’s Red Gum/Box woodland

Alluvium – sand, silt, gravel & clay (flats).

Quartzite, slate, phyllite, greywacke, hornfels & schist (slopes).

Sandy yellow earths.

LOCATION EXAMPLE Intersection of Little Billabong & Hume Highway
TREES >8M Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle
A. melanoxylon Blackwood
Eucalptus blakelyi Blakely’s Red Gum
E. bridgesiana Apple Box
E. goniocalyx Long-leaf Box
E. melliodora Yellow Box
E. polyanthemos Red Box
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m # Acacia genistifolia Spreading/Early Wattle
A. paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn
# A. rubida Red-stemmed Wattle
# Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa Sweet Bursaria
Indigofera adesmiifolia Tick Indigo
+ Leptospermum continentale Prickly Tea-tree

+ soaks/ poorly drained sites

# not noted in area but suggested for replanting

GROUND COVERS Austrostipa spp. Spear Grass
Borthriochloa macra Red-leg Grass
+ Carex spp. Sedge
Rytidosperma spp. Wallaby Grass
+ Juncus spp. Rush
Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass
+ Phragmites australis  Common Reed
Poa spp. Tussock Grass
Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass
+ Typha spp. Cumbungi

+ creeks/soaks/drainage lines



Dry sclerophyll forest – Red Stringybark, Long-leaf Box (lower reaches)

Dry sclerophyll forest – Peppermint, Brittle Gum (upper reaches)


Quartzite, slate, phyllite, greywacke, hornfels & schist.

Shallow red & yellow sandy soils.

LOCATION EXAMPLE Eastern region of catchment
TREES >8M Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle
A. implexa Hickory Wattle/Lightwood
* A. melanoxylon Blackwood
Eucalyptus albens White Box
E. blakelyi Blakely’s Red Gum
+* E. camphora Mountain Swamp Gum
E. goniocalyx Long-leaf Box
E. macrorhyncha Red Stringybark
* E. mannifera Brittle Gum
E. polyanthemos Red Box
* E. robertsonii Robertson’s Peppermint
E. rossii Scribbly Gum/Snap Gum

+ creeks/soaks

* upper reaches, mainly above 500 m elevation

SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m # Acacia decora Western Golden Wattle
# A. lanigera Woolly Wattle
A. paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn
Cassinia aculeata subsp. aculeata Common Cassinia
Daviesia latifolia Hop Bitter-pea
D. leptophylla Slender Bitter-pea
# Dillwynia phylicoides Parrot-pea
# Indigofera australis Austral Indigo
Kunzea parvifolia Violet Kunzea
# Pultenaea foliolosa Bush-pea

# not noted in area but suggested for replanting

GROUND COVERS Austrostipa spp. Spear Grass
Bothriochloa macra Red-leg Grass
Brachyloma daphnoide Daphne Heath
Bracteantha spp. Everlasting Daisy
Rytidosperma spp. Wallaby Grass
Dianella revoluta Spreading Flax-lily
Glycine clandestina Twining Glycine
Hardenbergia violacea Purple Coral Pea
Hibbertia obtusifolia Grey Guinea-flower
H. sericea Silky Guinea-flower
Joycea pallida Red-anther Wallaby
Lissanthe strigosa Peach Heath
Lomandra spp. Mat-rush
Melichrus urceolatus
Urn Heath
Microlaena stipoides
Weeping Grass
Stypandra glauca
Nodding Blue-lily
Themeda triandra
Kangaroo Grass