General Native Vegetation Profile:
North Wagga Wagga
River, Creeklines and Low country | Low hills and mid slopes | Upper Slopes & High Hills |
LANDFORM | River, Creeklines and Low country | |
VEGETATION TYPE | River Red Gum Forest | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Riverine deposits of clay silt, sand & gravel. Brown & Grey Alluvial Soils |
LOCATION EXAMPLE | Wiradyuri Reserve Kurrajong T.S.R. | |
TREES >8M | Acacia dealbata | Silver Wattle |
Brachychiton populneus | Kurrajong | |
Casuarina cunninghamiana | River She Oak | |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | River Red Gum | |
E. melliodora | Yellow Box | |
E. microcarpa | Grey Box | |
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m | Banksia marginata | Silver Banksia (Inland form) |
Callistemon sieberi | River Bottlebrush | |
Eremophila deserti | Turkey Bush | |
GROUND COVERS | Centipeda cunninghamii | Old Man Weed |
Geranium solanderi | Australian Cranesbill | |
Lomandra spp. | Mat Rushes | |
Marsilea drummondii | Common Nardoo | |
Phragmites australis | Common Reed | |
Rhagodia nutans | Climbing Salt Bush | |
Typha orientalis | Cumbungi | |
Wahlenbergia spp. | Australian Bluebell |
LANDFORM | Low hills and mid slopes | |
VEGETATION TYPE | Yellow Box Woodland | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Granite, shale, quartzite & siltstone. Red Podsolic & Red Earth Soils & Red & Brown Siliceous Sands |
LOCATION EXAMPLE | Bomen, Pattersons Rd (Southern end) Agriculture TSR Coolamon Rd |
TREES >8M | Acacia implexa | Hickory Wattle |
Acacia doratoxylon | Currawang | |
Brachychiton populneus | Kurrajong | |
Callitris glaucophylla | White Cypress Pine | |
Eucalyptus albens | White Box | |
E. blakelyi | Blakley’s Red Gum | |
E. bridgesiana | Apple Box | |
E. dealbata | Tumbledown Gum | |
E. melliodora | Yellow Box | |
E. microcarpa | Grey Box | |
E. polyanthemos | Red Box | |
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m | Acacia acinacea | Gold-dust Wattle |
A. buxifolia | Box-leaf Wattle | |
A. dealbata | Silver Wattle | |
A. deanii | Dean’s Wattle | |
A. decora | Western Golden Wattle | |
A. flexifolia | Bent-leaf Wattle | |
A. genistifolia | Spreading Wattle | |
A. paradoxa | Kangaroo Thorn | |
A. pycnantha | Golden Wattle | |
Eutaxia microphylla | Mallee Bush Pea | |
Maireana microphylla | Eastern Cotton Bush | |
Pittosporum angustifolium | Butter Bush | |
Pultenaea foliosa | Small-leaf Bush Pea | |
GROUND COVERS | ??? Rytidosperma spp. | Wallaby Grasses |
Austrostypa spp. | Spear Grasses | |
Bothriochloa macra | Red-leg Grass | |
Bulbine bulbosa | Bulbine Lily | |
Chloris truncata | Windmill Grass | |
Dianella porracea | Smooth Flax-lily | |
Dianella revoluta | Spreading Flax-lily | |
Lomandra filiformis | Wattle Mat-rush | |
Lomandra multiflora | Many-flowered Mat-rush | |
Microlaena stipiodes | Weeping Grass | |
Poa spp. | Tussock Grasses | |
Themeda triandra | Kangaroo Grass |
LANDFORM | Upper Slopes & High Hills | |
VEGETATION TYPE | White Box Woodland | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Occurs on flats, footslopes and hillslopes mainly in the upper slopes sub-region of the NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion mainly east of Wagga WaggAcacia | |
LOCATION EXAMPLE | Bald & Winery Hills CSU | |
TREES >8M | Acacia doratoxylon | Currawang |
Allocasuarina verticillata | Drooping She Oak | |
Eucalyptus albens | White Box | |
E. blakelyi | Blakely’s Red Gum | |
E. dealbata | Tumbledown Red Gum | |
E. melliodora | Yellow Box | |
E. microcarpa | Grey Box | |
Callitris glaucophylla | White Cypress Pine | |
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m | Acacia buxifolia | Box-leaf Wattle |
A. deanei | Dean’s Wattle | |
A. paradoxa | Kangaroo Thorn | |
A. pycnantha | Golden Wattle | |
Pittosporum angustifolium | Butter Bush | |
GROUND COVERS | Aristida ramosa | Three Awn Spear Grass |
??? Rytidosperma spp. | Wallaby Grasses | |
Austrostypa spp. | Spear Grasses | |
Bothriochloa macra | Red-leg Grass | |
Bulbine bulbosa | Bulbine Lily | |
Chloris truncata | Windmill Grass | |
Dianella porracea | Smooth Flax-lily | |
Enneapogon nigricans | Bottlewashers | |
Enteropogan acicularis | Curly Windmill Grass | |
Lomandra filiformis | Wattle Mat-rush | |
Microlaena stipiodes | Weeping Grass | |
Microseris lanceolata | Yam Daisy | |
Poa spp. | Tussock Grasses | |
Themeda triandra | Kangaroo Grass |