

Eucalyptus melliodora

Yellow Box

Other Names: Honey Box, Yellow Ironbark (both used in Qld).

First Nations Name(s):

Name Origin:

melliodora — from Latin melleus, honey, and odora, sweet or pleasant smell, referring to nectar.

Regional Subspecies:



Widespread on the lower slopes and rises of most catchments and districts.


Qld, NSW, Vic.


Grassy woodland. Moderately fertile, often sandy or alluvial soil.


Tree to 30 m high. Spreading dense crown of fine grey-green foliage and fibrous-flaky ‘box’ bark varying from dark to light brown-yellow, shedding in short ribbons from above.

Site Preference:

Light to heavy well-drained moist soils. Tolerates moderate frost and wind. Grows poorly on poorly-drained, infertile or strongly alkaline soil, or in particularly cold districts. Resents high water tables.


Long-lived. Slow to moderate growth rate. Bright-yellow inner bark is a feature.


White-cream, Sep-Feb (mainly Nov). Profuse and honey-scented.

Seed Collection:

Usually throughout year.


From seed (± 530 viable seeds per gram). Optimum germination temperature is 27°C.


From seed, particularly in absence of competitive exotic grasses or weeds, during wet summers. Seedlings relatively palatable to livestock. Regenerates well after fire and coppices readily.


Shade & Shelter:

Useful medium to high-level cover in windbreaks. Useful shade.

Land Protection:

Helps stabilise areas prone to landslips and slumping due to high water usage.


Excellent habitat. Hollows are nesting and refuge sites for a range of native birds, including owls, and mammals, including possums and bats. Nectar-rich flowers are a food source for many native birds, mammals and insects including butterflies and caterpillars. Insect-eating birds attracted. A range of birds feed on seeds and fruits. Foliage is occasional koala forage.


Excellent. Produces few sparks. May be difficult to split and ignite.


Light pink or yellowish-brown, fine-textured with an interlocked grain. Very hard, heavy, strong and extremely durable. Density about 1100 kg/m3. Used for heavy construction, poles, sleepers and fencing. Becoming popular as furniture timber. Useful in woodlots for firewood and specialty timber. Foliage palatable to livestock and can be used in emergencies, although other species preferred.


Magnificent specimen for parks, roadsides and larger gardens, due to attractive fine foliage and form.


Leaves produce a range of dyes depending on mordants used. Excellent honey tree.