General Native Vegetation Profile:
Bland Creek
River, Creeklines and Low country | Flats, footslopes and mid slopes | Hillslopes |
LANDFORM | River, Creeklines and Low country | |
VEGETATION TYPE | River Red Gum herbaceous-grassy very tall open forest | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Silty-sandy loam-clay soils on levees or other raised landform elements adjacent to rivers and wetlands | |
TREES >8M | Casuarina cunninghamiana | River She-Oak |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | River Red Gum | |
SHRUBS 1.5 – 8m | Acacia dealbata | Silver Wattle |
A. implexa | Hickory Wattle | |
A. melanoxylon | Blackwood | |
Amyema miquelii | Mistletoe | |
Callistemon paludosus | River Bottlebrush | |
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima | Narrow Leaf Hop Bush | |
D. v. subsp. cuneata | Wedge-leaf Hop Bush | |
D. v. subsp. purpurea | Purple Hop Bush | |
Exocarpos strictus | Dwarf Cherry | |
Kunzea ericoides | Burgan | |
Leptospermum continentale | Prickley Tea-Tree | |
GROUND COVERS | Bothriochloa macra | Red-leg Grass |
Carex appressa | Tall Sedge | |
C. inversa | Knob Sedge | |
C. tereticaulis | Slender Sedge | |
Eleocharis acuta | Common Spike-rush | |
E. pusilla | Small Spike-rush | |
Rytidosperma racemosa var. racemosa | Drooping Wallaby Grass |