General Native Vegetation Profile:
Carrathool (northern)
Creeklines and Secondary Floodplains | Level to Depressed Plains | Sandplains and Low Rises |
LANDFORM | Level to Depressed Plains | |
VEGETATION TYPE | Boree Woodland. | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Low woodland to low open woodland dominated by Boree with a mainly herbaceous understorey. Alluvial, grey and brown clays, or sometimes on red-brown earths. |
TREES >8M | Callitris glaucophylla | White Cypress Pine |
Eucalyptus largiflorens | Black Box | |
Eucalyptus populnea subsp. bimbil | Bimble Box | |
SHRUBS & SMALL TREES 2 – 8m | Acacia oswaldii | Miljee |
Acacia pendula | Boree | |
Acacia salicina | Cooba | |
Alectryon oleifolius subsp. canescens | Rosewood | |
Atriplex nummularia | Old man Saltbush | |
Chenopodium nitrariaceum | Nitre Goosefoot | |
Eremophila longifolia | Emubush | |
Pittosporum angustifolium | Butterbush | |
Senna artemisioides subsp. circinnata | Spring pod Cassia | |
Atriplex leptocarpa | Slender-fruited Saltbush |
Atriplex vesicaria | Bladder Saltbush | |
Enchylaena tomentosa | Ruby Saltbush | |
Lycium australe | Australian Boxthorn | |
Rhagodia spinescens | Thorny Saltbush | |
GROUND COVERS | Aristida behriana | Brush Wiregrass |
Atriplex semibaccata | Creeping Saltbush | |
Rytidosperma caespitosa | White top | |
Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata | Rough Speargrass | |
Chamaesyce drummondii | Flat Spurge | |
Chloris truncata | Windmill Grass | |
Chrysocephalum semipapposum | Clustered Everlasting | |
Convolvulus erubescens | Australian Bindweed | |
Einadia nutans subsp. nutans | Climbing Saltbush | |
Enteropogon acicularis | Curly Windmill Grass | |
Homopholis proluta | Rigid Panic | |
Lepidium pseudohyssopifolium | Peppercress | |
Maireana excavata | Bottle Fissure weed | |
Maireana pentagona | Slender Fissure-weed | |
Ptilotus erubescens | Hairy tails | |
Ptilotus exaltatus var. exaltatus | Showy Foxtail | |
Thysanotus baueri | Mallee Fringe lily | |
Vittadinia cuneata | Fuzzweed |