General Native Vegetation Profile:
Cadell (north-eastern)
Level to Depressed Plains | Plains | Gilgai Plains |
LANDFORM | Level to Depressed Plains | |
VEGETATION TYPE | Boree Woodland. | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Low woodland to low open woodland dominated by Boree with a mainly herbaceous understorey. Grey and brown clays, or sometimes on red-brown earths. |
LOCATION EXAMPLE | Formerly in north east part of Cadell sub-region, no intact examples remain, only known examples are in the vicinity of Walliston Rd south of Wilson Lane. | |
TREES >8M | ??? | ??? |
SHRUBS & SMALL TREES 2 – 8m | Acacia oswaldii | Miljee |
Acacia pendula | Boree | |
Acacia salicina | Cooba | |
Atriplex nummularia | Old man Saltbush | |
Eremophila longifolia | Emubush | |
Atriplex leptocarpa | Slender-fruited Saltbush |
Atriplex vesicaria | Bladder Saltbush | |
Enchylaena tomentosa | Ruby Saltbush | |
Maireana aphylla | Cottonbush | |
Maireana decalvans | Black Cottonbush | |
Rhagodia spinescens | Thorny Saltbush | |
Sclerolaena muricata | Five spined Bassia | |
Sclerolaena stelligera | Star Copperburr | |
GROUND COVERS | Atriplex semibaccata | Creeping Saltbush |
Rytidosperma caespitosa | White top | |
Rytidosperma setacea | Small flowered Wallaby Grass | |
Austrostipa nodosa | Knotty Speargrass | |
Calotis hispidula | Bogan Flea | |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum s.s. | Yellow Buttons | |
Cotula australis | Common Cotula | |
Crassula colorata | Dense Stonecrop | |
Crassula decumbens var. decumbens | Spreading Crassula | |
Enteropogon acicularis | Curly Windmill Grass | |
Maireana pentagona | Slender Fissure-weed | |
Myriocephalus rhizocephalus | Woolly-heads | |
Plantago turrifera | Small Sago weed | |
Ptilotus erubescens | Hairy tails | |
Rhodanthe corymbiflora | Grey Sunray | |
Rumex tenax | Dock | |
Sida corrugata | Corrugated Sida | |
Swainsona murrayana | Slender Darling Pea | |
Triptilodiscus pygmaeus | Common Sunray | |
Vittadinia cuneata | Fuzzweed | |
Wahlenbergia gracilis s.s. | Australian Bluebell | |
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica | Early Nancy |
LANDFORM | Plains | |
VEGETATION TYPE | Native Grassland. | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Treeless grassland on plains with seasonally variable composition of herbs, grasses and low shrubs. Alluvial, mainly red-brown clays and grey-brown cracking clays. |
LOCATION EXAMPLE | Formerly interspersed with Boree Woodland, mainly in north east part of Cadell sub-region, Cobb Highway Travelling Stock Reserve. | |
TREES >8M | Acacia homalophylla | Yarran |
SHRUBS & SMALL TREES 2 – 8m | Acacia oswaldii | Miljee |
Acacia pendula | Boree | |
Chenopodium nitrariaceum | Nitre Goosefoot | |
Duma florulenta | Lignum | |
Atriplex leptocarpa | Slender-fruited Saltbush |
Maireana aphylla | Cottonbush | |
Maireana decalvans | Black Cottonbush | |
Rhagodia spinescens | Thorny Saltbush | |
Sclerolaena muricata | Five spined Bassia | |
Sclerolaena stelligera | Star Copperburr | |
GROUND COVERS | Actinobole uliginosum | Flannel Cudweed |
Alternanthera denticulata s.s. | Lesser Joyweed | |
Arthropodium minus | Small Vanilla-lily | |
Atriplex semibaccata | Creeping Saltbush | |
Rytidosperma caespitosa | White top | |
Rytidosperma eriantha | Hill Wallaby Grass | |
Austrostipa aristiglumis | Plains Grass | |
Austrostipa nodosa | Knotty Speargrass | |
Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata | Rough Speargrass | |
Brachyscome chrysoglossa | Yellow tongue Daisy | |
Bulbine bulbosa | Native Leek | |
Calocephalus sonderi | Pale Beauty-heads | |
Calotis scabiosifolia | Rough Burr-daisy | |
Chamaesyce drummondii | Flat Spurge | |
Chloris truncata | Windmill Grass | |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum s.s. | Yellow Buttons | |
Convolvulus erubescens | Australian Bindweed | |
Cotula australis | Common Cotula | |
Arthropodium fimbriatum | Nodding Chocolate-lily | |
Enteropogon acicularis | Curly Windmill Grass | |
Enteropogon ramosus | Curly Windmill Grass | |
Goodenia fascicularis | Silky Goodenia | |
Goodenia pusilliflora | Small-flowered Goodenia | |
Homopholis proluta | Rigid Panic | |
Hyalosperma glutinosum | Golden Sunray | |
Leiocarpa leptolepis | Stalked Plover-daisy | |
Leptorhynchos panaetioides | Woolly Buttons | |
Leptorhynchos squamatus | Scaly Buttons | |
Leucochrysum molle | Hoary Sunray | |
Maireana enchylaenoides | Wingless Fissure-weed | |
Maireana excavata | Bottle Fissure weed | |
Maireana pentagona | Slender Fissure-weed | |
Myriocephalus rhizocephalus | Woolly-heads | |
Oxalis perennans | Grassland Wood sorrel | |
Ptilotus exaltatus var. exaltatus | Showy Foxtail | |
Ptilotus macrocephalus | Square headed Foxtail | |
Pycnosorus globosus | Drumsticks | |
Rhodanthe corymbiflora | Grey Sunray | |
Sida corrugata | Corrugated Sida | |
Sida fibulifera | Pin Sida | |
Solanum esuriale | Quena | |
Sporobolus caroli | Fairy Grass | |
Swainsona murrayana | Slender Darling Pea | |
Swainsona plagiotropis | Red Darling Pea | |
Swainsona procumbens | Broughton Pea | |
Swainsona swainsonioides | Downy Darling Pea | |
Teucrium racemosum | Grey Germander | |
Triptilodiscus pygmaeus | Common Sunray | |
Wahlenbergia luteola | Yellowish Bluebell |
LANDFORM | Gilgai Plains | |
VEGETATION TYPE | Gilgai Wetland. | |
GEOLOGY & SOILS | Treeless grassland on seasonally wet plains with mainly herbaceous understorey. Alluvial, heavy grey, cracking clays. |
LOCATION EXAMPLE | No intact examples, formerly interspersed with Native Grassland and Boree Woodland in north east part of Cadell sub-region. | |
TREES >8M | ??? | ??? |
SHRUBS & SMALL TREES 2 – 8m | Acacia pendula | Boree |
??? | ??? |
GROUND COVERS | Lachnogrostis filiformis | Blown Grass |
Alternanthera denticulata s.s. | Lesser Joyweed | |
Rytidosperma caespitosa | White top | |
Rytidosperma duttoniana | Brown back Wallaby Grass | |
Austrostipa aristiglumis | Plains Grass | |
Bulbine semibarbata | Leek Lily | |
Calostemma purpureum | Wilcannia Lily | |
Calotis scabiosifolia | Rough Burr-daisy | |
Centrolepis glabra | Smooth Centrolepis | |
Chloris truncata | Windmill Grass | |
Convolvulus erubescens | Australian Bindweed | |
Crassula decumbens var. decumbens | Spreading Crassula | |
Eclipta platyglossa | Yellow Twin heads | |
Eleocharis pallens | Pale Spike-rush | |
Eragrostis australasica | Canegrass | |
Eryngium paludosum | Eryngo | |
Goodenia pusilliflora | Small-flowered Goodenia | |
Homopholis proluta | Rigid Panic | |
Isoetopsis graminifolia | Grass Cushion | |
Isolepis hookeriana | Grassy Club sedge | |
Isolepis victoriensis | Victorian Club sedge | |
Juncus radula | Hoary Rush | |
Lepidium monoplocoides | Winged Peppercress | |
Leptorhynchos orientale (ex L. scaber) | Annual Buttons | |
Maireana pentagona | Slender Fissure-weed | |
Marsilea drummondii | Common Nardoo | |
Myosurus minimus var. australis | Mouse tail | |
Myriocephalus rhizocephalus | Woolly-heads | |
Myriophyllum crispatum | Common Water-milfoil | |
Ptilotus exaltatus var. exaltatus | Showy Foxtail | |
Pycnosorus globosus | Drumsticks | |
Ranunculus pentandrus var. platycarpus | Smooth Buttercup | |
Rhodanthe corymbiflora | Grey Sunray | |
Rumex tenax | Dock | |
Sida corrugata | Corrugated Sida | |
Stylidium despectum | Dwarf Triggerplant | |
Swainsona murrayana | Slender Darling Pea | |
Swainsona procumbens | Broughton Pea | |
Teucrium racemosum | Grey Germander | |
Utricularia dichotoma | Purple Bladderwort | |
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica | Early Nancy |